Klimbing for Kids Charity Climb & Scholarship Campaign
Our Klimbing for Kids Campaign supports young adults in our partner homes by providing grants for education they otherwise would not have access to. For some, this is equivelant to highschool education, others, vocational training or college/university.
Your donation provides a scholarship for young people who have met academic requirements and have proven their dedication to pursuing their dreams.
Since starting our Klimbing for Kids Campaign, together, we have provided over 50 grants to young people to further their education that otherwise would have had NO other option for pursuing their dreams.
You've heard us say that for orphans, the odds are stacked against them. YOU are providing a way for them to break the cycle of poverty in their family.
In addition, these grants are undergirded by our transition programs that provide valuable life skills. We believe in empowering these young people to be a positive change in their world.
If you are interested in climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or another mountain to help us raise awareness and funds for Future of Hope Grants, please contact our office. We can set up a Crowdfunding Campaign for you and assist with Press Releases. 239-564-5683. We have more students waiting!
*Pictured here are several of the Watu Wa Maana students - incredibly grateful for the opportunity you have provided.